This page provides a NOT LIMITED list of actors of civil society who are not working – or not specifically – at the national level, but whose work transcends national boundaries of a given country.
- INTERNATIONAL ALLIANCE OF INHABITANTS = a global network of associations and social movements of inhabitants, cooperatives, communities, tenants, house owners, homeless, slum dwellers, indigenous populations and people from working class neighbourhoods. The objective is the construction of another possible world starting from the achievement of the housing and city right. The IAI fits in the process promoted by the World Assembly of the Citizens for a Responsible and Solidarity World, (see ) and by the World Social Forum , embracing the motto “Another World is Possible ”. Website :
AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL = Amnesty International is a global movement of more than 3 million supporters, members and activists in over 150 countries and territories who campaign to end grave abuses of human rights. His vision is for every person to enjoy all the rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international human rights standards. AI is engaged with campaigns against massive evictions and slums.
- COMMONWEALTH ACTION FOR HUMAN SETTLEMENTS – CCGHS = Consultative Group on Human Settlements for Commonwealth countries and created in 1998 by the Commonwealth Secretary-General. This is an intergovernmental group of ministers in charge of the implementation of the housing program in their respective countries. Its aim is to demonstrate progress towards decent housing and a 2015. Website : (under construction)
DEUTSCHE ENTWICKLUNGSHILFE FŪR SOZIALES WOHNUNGS-UND – DESWOS = German agency for international assistance for housing and human settlements worldwide. They are mainly active in Asia, Africa and Latin America where they develop projects with donations.
FIAN INTERNATIONAL = FIAN International was founded as the first international human rights organization to advocate for the realization of the right to adequate food and nutrition. Holding consultative status with the United Nations, FIAN works on crucial issues around the right to food, including land grabbing and natural resources.
GLOBAL INITIATIVE FOR ECONOMIC, SOCIAL AND CULTURAL RIGHTS = The Global Initiative for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights seeks to advance the realization of economic, social and cultural rights throughout the world, tackling the endemic problem of global poverty through a human rights lens. We believe this crisis — wherein close to 2 billion people worldwide daily lack access to adequate nutrition, health care, education, housing, water and sanitation — will only be overcome through the concerted efforts of human rights, women’s rights, environmental and development organizations and agencies. The Global Initiative seeks to play a catalyzing role in fostering these cross-sector partnerships on key issues. We can change the world as we know it into a world where all economic, social and cultural rights are respected, protected and fulfilled, so that all people everywhere are able to live in dignity.
GRET = non-profit association founded in 1976 and brings together professional-development. It supports sustainable development process in urban and rural areas, based on social equity, economic development and environmental protection. It has permanent representations in Asia, Africa and Latin America. His actions are based on an innovative approach to experimentation and lead to strengthening of actors and structures in place. – Contact them at their performances by country.
HABITAT FOR HUMANITY INTERNATIONAL (HFHI) = a nonprofit, Christian organization that seeks to eliminate poverty housing and homelessness from the world and make decent shelter a matter of conscience and action worldwide. Habitat has built or renovated more than 800,000 homes around the world, providing more than 4 million people with safe, decent, affordable shelter. Habitat was founded in 1976 by Millard Fuller along with his wife, Linda. Habitat for Humanity works in almost 80 countries worldwide. Local affiliates or community groups are supported by national, regional and area offices which provide training, information resources and oversight.
- HABITAT INTERNATIONAL COALITION = The Habitat International Coalition (HIC) is the global network for rights related to habitat. Through solidarity, networking and support for social movements and organizations, HIC struggles for social justice, gender equality, and environmental sustainability, and works in the defence, promotion and realization of human rights related to housing and land in both rural and urban areas. More informations :
HABITAT PLATFORM = This platform is developed in the Netherlands and works internationally to work towards the Millennium Development Goals of the United Nations, based on the principles of the UN Habitat Agenda. It focuses on the dissemination of information, including innovative instruments. There is a platform in South Africa and in Central and Eastern Europe.
HOMELESS INTERNATIONAL = International organization that, since 1987, supports the slum dwellers to improve their lives and find sustainable solutions to urban poverty and homelessness. They support the development of local organizations in Africa and Asia. – Contact them or subscribe to their news on their website.
ICA HOUSING = International Co-operative Alliance is headquartered in Switzerland. Members are further advance their common interests based on the cooperative values and principles. This is the housing sector (Housing) movement. It acts as an international movement by creating the link and communication among its members to enhance their actions. – Contact via the website.
- INTERNATIONAL ACCOUNTABILITY PROJECT = IAP is a human rights advocacy organization that seeks to end forced eviction and create new global policy and practice for development that respects people’s homes, environment and human rights. Our two main areas of work, Change the Rules and Support the Frontlines, have four programmatic initiatives. In total, IAP works to win policy change, boost local advocacy efforts, and support grassroots activists and communities to access influential decision-making spaces. We seek to advance development principles and projects that prioritize human rights. IAP gives strategic advice and tools for resistance directly to communities and organizations addressing the funders of harmful development projects. IAP uses the knowledge it gains from individual campaigns to advance broader human rights protections at international and regional banks. Site Internet :
INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL FOR RESEARCH AND INNOVATION IN BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION – CIB = organization located in the Netherlands which aims to create exchange between research organizations in habitat (innovation in building and construction) worldwide. Its members come from diverse backgrounds: research in the private sector and academia, industry and government.
INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT – IIED = since 1971, a research institute located in the UK, advice and advocacy working with partners on the ground in order to change public policy. Their areas of work are numerous and always in connection with issues of environment and development. Much research has been devoted to issues of housing and the urban environment.
- NO VOX = a network of associations, movements and organizations that actually conduct social struggles on the ground. Founded at the 1st European Social Forum in Florence, the network became international when the first World Forum of Porto Alegre in 2003. These wrestling moves are composed of women and men who self-organize to defend and the application of fundamental rights defined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and to give rise to new rights. These actors of civil society against exercise-power independently from the institutions and political powers. Website :
PROGRAMME DE RECHERCHE URBAINE POUR LE DEVELOPPEMENT – PRUD = Research program, in collaboration with UNESCO, which offers in-depth studies on urban situations in the world. Its objectives are: revive urban research for development, based on a thematic issue and renewal; produce new knowledge about the South of urbanization to guide public action on urban development; restore or initiate, in this area, partnership relations and exchanges between the French scientific community and scientific communities in the ZSP.
SLUM DWELLERS INTERNATIONAL – (SDI) = network of grassroots organizations in poor urban areas involving many countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America, which was created in 1996. Its missions are created synergies between countries to promote the resolution of urban problems including the issue of evictions. It helps slum dwellers able to enter into dialogue with their governments and with international bodies. Its objective is to promote growth of cities “inclusive” putting the urban poor at the center of development strategies.
SWEDISH COOPERATIVE CENTRE – WE EFFECT = The Swedish Cooperative Centre was established by the Swedish Cooperative Movement in 1958. Thanks to work long-term development and promotion of the self-help, they give poor people the tools to fight themselves against poverty. They work through advocacy and supported by the Swedish International Development Cooperation.
THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF CITY AND REGIONAL PLANNERS – ISOCARP – KNOWLEDGE FOR BETTER CITIES = International association founded in 1965 bringing together a network of planning professionals (urban). They are the source of ISOCARP AWARDS, an award that recognizes young planners that offer an innovative way to plan urban space in the world. – Contact them.
UN-HABITAT = United Nations Programme for Human Settlements. Promote sustainable and social development for small and large cities this program aims. Experts in connection with multiple local partners and conduct studies and research on the housing situation in the world and more specifically issues related to the urbanization of the planet in a sustainable development perspective. “For a better urban future.”
URBAN POVERTY GROUP = a network of nongovernmental organizations, composed of units of university departments and consultants who want the challenge of urban poverty in the world. They were created in 1994 following the Habitat II summit.
VIA CAMPESINA = advocacy movement for land rights, food sovereignty, the right of women … with a view of unity and solidarity between North and South, their objective is to guarantee the right to use and manage land (seeds – livestock – water – biodiversity) to that they are not under the control of the food industry.
- WITNESS = WITNESS trains and supports activists and citizens around the world to use video safely, ethically, and effectively to expose human rights abuse and fight for human rights change. They develop award-winning tools and apps to keep people safer ; they advocate to technology companies to create change at the systems level ; they curate and help draw attention to citizen footage of under-reported stories. Website :
EUROPEAN ACTION FOR THE RIGHT TO HOUSING AND THE CITY = a new network at the european level. They want to act for housing right, with concrete actions like an anti-MIPIM event or actions against the criminalizing of homeless in Hungary (2014). They demand to the public authorities not to destroy public housing and they require a moratorium face of massive expulsions for countries suffering from the effects of the crisis (Spain – Portugal – Greece – …). To become member or to be added to the list :
- EUROPEAN ANTI-POVERTY NETWORK = The European Anti Poverty Network (EAPN) is the largest European network of national, regional and local networks, involving anti-poverty NGOs and grassroot groups as well as European Organisations, active in the fight against poverty and social exclusion. It was established in 1990. The membership of EAPN is involved in a variety of activities aimed at combating poverty and social exclusion. Activities are : advocacy and campaigning – analysis – information – exchange – training.
FEANTSA = European Federation of National Organisations working with the Homeless. It is an umbrella of not-for-profit organisations which participate in or contribute to the fight against homelessness in Europe. Established in 1989, FEANTSA represents today more than 150 organisations working with people experiencing homelessness in about 30 European countries which provide a wide range of services to people experiencing homelessness, including housing, health, employment support, social protection, rights and participation. It is the only major European network that focuses exclusively on homelessness at the European level.
- HABITACT = European exchange forum on local strategies against homelessness. HABITACT was created in response to the growing demand for information on homelessness from local authorities in Europe. The support of the European Commission and the sponsorship of the European Committee of the Regions will help us develop this European cooperation. Website :
THE ASIAN COALITION FOR HOUSING RIGHTS (ACHR) : regional network of community-based organizations, NGOs and professionals actively involved in the process of urban development in Asian cities, one of the consequences is poverty. Concretely, it proposes action and training programs (workshops), tools to better understand the development of cities in Asia (research – surveys – databases) and conduct advocacy both locally and internationally to highlight the interests of the poor in urban solutions implemented.
ALLIANCE POUR REFONDER LA GOUVERNANCE EN AFRIQUE – ARGA : This alliance is made up of African and non-African actors believe that peace and development of the African continent are subject to a profound re-examination of the foundations and not a mere reform of the regulation of public affairs. To contribute to the development of an African thought and an African governance project. Website :
- CGLU AFRIQUE = Cities and Local Governments of Africa is the umbrella organization and the united voice ensuring representation of local communities across the African continent. It was born from the merger of three existing local associations that were the African Union of Local Authorities (AULA), the Union of African Towns (UVA) and the African chapter of the Lusophone organization of local authorities , Ciudades Unao Capitaes there Lusofono Africana Americanay Asiatica (UCCLA). CGLUA brings together 40 national associations of local authorities from all parts of Africa, as well as 2,000 cities with over 100,000 inhabitants. CGLUA is not less than 350 million African citizens.
HABITAFRICA = Development NGO working to eradicate some of the main causes of the great uprooting caused by lack of basic services and decent housing, food insecurity and lack of ability to access financial resources generation. Ultimately in an NGO fighting poverty and mitigating the causes and consequences of forced displacement. And next to it to value the migration as a factor of development and protection of vulnerable groups.
SETTLEMENTS INFORMATION NETWORK AFRICA – SINA = Network that promotes the exchange of information between individuals / organizations working to improve the quality of life and environment for people who live in villages and cities in Africa. Special attention is given to the poorest. Network members are involved in many activities related to self-construction, health, nutrition, employment, …
UNION AFRICAINE = continental organization that aims to eliminate the last vestiges of colonialism, to strengthen the unity and solidarity among African countries to strengthen cooperation for development (including international cooperation). This organization includes among other specialized technical committees and a court of justice.